Welcome To Our 2024 SurveyWe appreciate your time & effort to help us serve you better."*" indicates required fieldsName* Name Surname Email Address* 1. How satisfied are you with our new website for placing orders and managing your account?*I am yet to visit the websiteDissatisfiedI’m staying neutralSomewhat satisfiedVery satisfied2. How do you rate your interaction with your Vic Bay distributor?*It’s been a whileDissatisfiedNeutralThere is room for improvementThey are great3. How regularly are you shopping with us?*WeeklyMonthlyQuarterlyAnnuallyI can’t remember when last I placed an order4. If you shop with other suppliers, what factors influence your decision to choose them over Vic Bay? (Select all that apply)* Price competitiveness Product variety Quality of products Customer service Timely delivery OtherPlease elaborate on "other"*5. Which value-added services would you find most beneficial for your business? (Select all that apply)* Discounts on bulk orders Promotional offers Loyalty program rewards Faster shipping options OtherPlease elaborate on "other"*6. How important is an in house branding service to you?*Not important as I manage my own brandingI prefer to arrange my own branding with third partiesIf competitively priced I will definitely make use of your in house branding service7. Could you kindly share with us the most bothersome challenge you encounter when interacting with us at Vic Bay? Your complete honesty is appreciated as it will aid us in reaching the pinnacle of customer service and relations.*8. In what aspects do you find our interaction with you to be particularly successful?*9. Which three colours in the Vic Bay range of available colours are your favourites?*EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.